I know this a big period for skateboarders who like travelling..cause it’s winter time and there’s nothing to skate..you must go elsewhere. If some take their chance in the skate industry in California, others choose the fun and go to Spain.
Barcelona is the number one destination for skateboarders for years now, great weather, incredible spots, and the possibility to skate every single day of the year, and yeah you can drink really cheap beers too,did i talk to you about the beach?
In this big dream, there is a reverse of the medal. And for some skaters, tourists, the dream can turn quickly as a nightmare.

There is 2 problematic topics in Barcelona: the cops and the robbers!
For the cops is kind of easy, they are not speaks in english, and sometimes not even spanish but just catalan (the official language in this area of spain) and this can be really tricky in some situations, but it can help to play the stupid tourist and say « lo siento, no habla español ». That day, for my friend Julien (on the picture bellow) wasn’t a great day to be there and speak spanish, he got a ticket for rolling faster than a pedestrian, not even for skating ..
For the robber part it’s another deal…really unplesant! As for myself who knows the country since 10 years, my 30 pounds(15kg) photobag was robbed between my feets !! i just turned my head 3sec over my shoulder, and lost 3000$ in the same time!

If you wanna have fun and bring back good « souvenirs » here is a list you have to follow:
- The first one can sounds stupid, but just don’t think you are smarter than cops and thieves, and always be prudent and carefull.
- Don’t look like as a tourist! Wearing shorts, hawaien shirt with shade, means to attract robbers, you can be robbed everywhere, as well in Metro. Most of them will use a map of city for hiding their pick pocket tricks.
- Leave your papers and expensive stuffs at your hotel or house, and just take what you need for the day, leave the rest of your money in a safe place, as well as your passport.
- If you are in a hostel or rent an appartement, try to have a place safe to stock your shit,if possible with a locker..it’s not rare to be robbed even in a rental house or in a rent with roomates.
- You also have to know the main problematic spot with cops and stealers is downtown! And all touristic spots like the beach too. Don’t take a nap alone on the beach if you still want to have your stuff close to you.
- Where ever you go in Barcelona try not to be alone, robbers are never alone, and most of the time between 2 and 5 people are on you. They are proffessional stealers and they are really fast.
- If you wanna skate, never leave your bag alone 2sec away is enough! If you are a photographer or a filmer, you should not skate and keep your bag !!!.
- Alway keep your bag in front of you, if you are standing up and need to put your bag down put your leg in one of the strap, or attach it on a pole or a bench. Don’t Put anything in the back pockets of your pants. If you still want to keep your money and passport close to you, you can buy a cheap neck wallet, you can keep under your shirt and hidden.
- The most dangerous moment is at night, try to not be alone in a dark street, and don’t act stupid and especially drunk. Drunk people is an easy target for robbers
- Never let someone you don’t know touch you! it’s a recurent trick to make you brain focus on someone, when another will do your pockets.
- Don’t walk camera on shoulder or around your neck or worst in your hand, i have seen many tourists robbed in the main street in day light with lot of people around. Most of the thieves have a scissor or cutter and you will not even feel it go away. Don’t show your camera, try to wear a jacket and hide it under when you are not using it.
- And the last can sounds stupid once again but don’t talk too loud when you are a foreigner and don’t think nobody understands you. Most of the robbers speak spanish,catalan,french and english..
Looks like i’m paranoid but believe me this is the sad truth, anybody who’ve spent time in Barcelone would tell you the same!

Even with those problems this is a really beautyful city you need to visit once in your life, and you can meet lot of sweet people. If the tourism is quite big over there, there is reason.
But don’t forget Barcelona is just a part of Spain, and there are so many sick places to visit and skate in the whole country : Take a look on the website of my friend Stephane who spent a lot of time on the road doing this crazy google map of the skate spots in Europe.

If you have crazy stories about Barcelona, you are more than welcome to talk about it in the comments!
Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
My cat “Moza” also known as “La Moulette” has a wonderful horrible life, chasing after other cats and waiting for her paté is some of her daily job. But her favorite activity is definitly the “siesta” with my girlfriend and me.

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Flamenco, Skateboarding, Fiesta, M.A.C.B.A. and Khebab. It’s pretty daily for the most of skateboarders in Barcelona.

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
He loves skateboarding, he loves photography, he loves girls, he loves bikes and cheesecake…
let me introduce you my friend photographer Pierre Prospero, he just launched his new porfolio about his last years travelling around the world, you must see it!
he inspires me a lot without a doubt,
great job buddy, i love it!

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Merry Christmas to all, i wish you the best for the next year, best tricks, best pictures, best light, best camera
and of course the best smile!
Thanks again for the support, and see you in 2011..
I leave you with that tight wallride of Mr Nöel shooted last spring in Barcelona.
PS: Nöel mean Christmas for the non french speakers.. 😉

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Today we’ve found a tree of love, i had no choice to share it!

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
One of the famous place in Barcelona is the great market “La Boqueria”.
Downtown you’ll find this “mercado” , open almost everyday and always full of people from the morning to the evening.
For the lil’ “gourmands” like me it’s definitly a pleasure to hang out around there.

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Last week i’ve been to Paris for 2 days, lucky me, it was exactly the same moment a big snow storm decided to white everything around.
People was yelling and complaining, cars was sliding in the streets, buses were stopped and trains were delayed… it was the highlights for Parisians that day…
For me that day, my concern was more about the Larry Clark & Jean-Michel Basquiat exhibition at the famous Art Modern Museum “Palais de Tokyo“.
Oh they just said on TV another snow storm was coming soon..

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Hey everybody!
Since i’ve set up my facebook page, my twitter and my RSS link, my statistics exploded! thanks to you all, i really appreciate that support and i will do my best to keep it in that way.
Since day one of that blog, the hardest thing was to choose between writing in French or in English.. i know some people got hard time with english, some don’t understand why i’m not writing in my own language : French.
The answer is simple: lots of people don’t speak french. And till now the English is the most popular language spoken in the world.
But that doesn’t mean everybody speaks English neither!
that’s why i’ve decided to use that wonderfull tool “google translation”, i’ve added France, Spain, Germany and even Japan flags on the top right of this blog (just click on your own language flag). I’m aware those translations are not perfect : but it’s better than nothing, and at least people will understand me now .. well, i hope!
have a nice monday and talk to you soon. Peace

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
Even if they all come from different countries like Italy, France, Brazil, U.S.A, Spain or even Canada.
These guys have some things in common:
– They are great skateboarders
– They looking good in black and white
– they were all in Barcelona in spring 2010.

Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."