Shooting..Free’son Chorale at Montréal
Last week i got an assignment from Tribu for Shooting a chorale straight from Switzerland. As always, i had a lot of fun to doing it.
Last week i got an assignment from Tribu for Shooting a chorale straight from Switzerland. As always, i had a lot of fun to doing it.
Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know, it’s kinda 3 weeks later, but here are finally my pictures from the Wild In Street at Montréal. like every years it was damn fun! million of thanks to Emerica, l’Agence Royal & Empire for the help!
Ps: the blog is google+ friendly now..the 1+ button is at the end of each post.cheers!
Luk Baslanti – Crowd Backtail
Luk Baslanti – 5050 up the ledge to Frontail down
Alexis Lacroix – Manual to drop
Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last 1st July, Tribu Experimental called me to cover their Skateboard event during the famous Canada Fest in Montréal.
A miniramp was set up for the day, to show and teach skateboarding to the kids around. It was lot of fun, thanks for that day! Maybe we will have a lil’ Koston in these kids.
I’ve Shot around 600 pictures that day, but if you are interested to see a lil glimpse of it, click right here
Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Since few weeks i’m working on a big project in Montréal, if you wanna help and have more info, you must go to the official blog here. this is just the left over from the 3 first rolls..really a LOT more to come really soon..stay tuned!
Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edited by Babas, "Life is always better with blood and beer on my griptape.."