Right before the cold hits our faces, Rollin Boardshop decided to hit the north of Quebec, along with their bros from Homies Boutique. 5 Hours off Montreal later, Simon Gagnon, a local Saguenay Ripper, took care of us in his brand new sports Complex “En Equilibre”. We had a mini skatepark, a Basketball field and Olympic Trampoline, first time I enjoyed something Olympic ever.
Fresh new team Rollin member, Justin Desjardins, opened the road trip with this gap to Wall Ride, while the other were warming up at the new Papillon Skatepark.
Fast Plant, country style.
Justin had to comply my request to add the garbage can, for this no comply.
Justin made friend with fellow Gabriel,a Chicoutimi local.
We had mad fun at “Centre en Equilibre”. Thanks Simon to hook us up!
Simon Gagnon, Noseblunt slide.
You can’t go to Chicoutimi without doing a downhill.. ask to Justin how was it.
Quick stop at the local DIY in downtown, here Simon Gagnon with a switch blunt.
Then Etienne Deshaies killed it with his bag of tricks, Backside nose pick.
Justin Desjardins Back D.
Seb Lucas, Frontside Nose pick.
Simon brought us to this spot in Jonquiere, Seb Lucas Drop Kickflip.
Then Simon Gagnon did this Hippy jump 180 along with other stunts.
Kevin Boily, worked hard on this one. Drop to nose slide on the 9 feets high rail, not bad when he has actually never practiced his nose slide.
We had a special treat for our last day, Secret spot. Thanks Alan and his father for the warm welcome! Justin Desjardins, Bean Plant.
Etienne Desjardins, Heel plant (or whatever it’s called).
Thanks for the love Saguenay!
Photography: Babas Levrai
Video filmed: Eric Lebeau, Evans Murray Edited: Babas Levrai
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Centre en Equilibre
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