The province of Quebec has always been very creative with all kind of contest. For the second edition, Illusion Boardshop teamed up with the King Hall bar, for a jam on their 5 stairs, inside the bar.
Even if it was a busy day, these guys were willing enough to do it on a Saturday night, in an already packed bar. The whole Sherbrooke scene went down, for free drinks, and of course for fun.
Alex Blais AKA Rex, aka multifonction host while he is posting live for the DSC IG.
PIF ready to grab some cash.
DSC was representing their hometown.
Danick was here to cheer up the boys, to get the tricks landed.
The bar was packed, waiting for some action.
Vincent Beauchemin opened up the evening, with the basics, kickflip.
and then Frontside flip.
Guillaume Nicol got some pop, fakie Tre.
Gabriel Jeanson, local hero, Switch frontside big spin.
PIF, half cab flip, and later on with a fakie frontside heel.
Small break, with free jack’s shooters.
Cedric Vignault, 2018 winner, was throwing his crown again, and landing countless tricks, I just shot 15% of it, Switch heel here.
Then switch kickflip.
Then, Fakie kickflip.
and then frontside 360.. and many more.
No surprise here, Cedric won again.
The crown went straight back to his head.
Top 3 winners of the night. PIF, Cedric & Gab Jeanson.
Cedric’s mom was proud.
Rex and PIF were stoked for the night.
Gab Jeanson was stoked on his winning. new shoes baby.
Thanks to Illusion Boardshop, DSC, and of course the King Hall owner.
And Jack for the free shots.
Photography & word by: Babas Levrai
Follow them:
Illusion Boardshop
King Hall
Centre Disttribution
Jack Daniels
Follow us: @loveskatemag
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